TST Social Development Trust
Right to free and compulsory education is a constitutional basic right of every child in the age group 6-14 years in India. Though this is still a far stretched idea for many children from poor and marginalised backgrounds of the city of Kolkata, West Bengal where Hope Kolkata Foundation has been working. First generation learners from extremely poorer backgrounds face challenges of continuing schooling due to lack of supervision and coaching support from their parents and purely due to lack of educational environment at their homes. This is coupled with the fact that many of these children may come from broken families where a single parent is trying to make ends meet for all family members. Continuing education becomes especially difficult for children in the age group of 14-18 who are forced to take earning and responsible roles at a tender age and as a result drop-out from school. In many cases, their dreams are shattered due to a lack of economic support to continue their secondary education. Hope Kolkata Foundation’s holistic education programme for the underprivileged children in the slums of Kolkata and Howrah, ensures basic educational rights of children between the age group 6-14 years. The organisation supports out-of-school children and also school goers who live below poverty line and/or of single parents by helping them continue and complete their education, their future dreams and aspirations for a better life.
Education: 58 classes were conducted five days a week for both formal and non-formal children from 10am to 6pm. The individual needs of the children were addressed in these classes and a child friendly and inclusive environment was provided to the children. Free remedial coaching support was provided to the marginalised children of Chitpur slum community through the project. 102 children received free coaching support with supplementary nutrition in the form of grocery items to ensure their overall growth and development. 102 children regularly attended school through online classes (64 children) and completed worksheets (38 children) provided by the school.
Recreational Rights: On 12th June 2020, Anti-Child Labour Day was celebrated with 102 children in Central. Father’s Day was celebrated on 21st June with 102 children from Central. The children were encouraged to make cards for their fathers with personalized messages. World Yoga Day was organized in Central on 21st June with 102 children. Covid-19 protocols were maintained including social distancing, sanitizing regularly and wearing face mask. The teachers shared tips on how to keep a healthy body and mind through yoga. Other celebrations included Ganesh Chaturthi, Literacy Day, Raksha Bandhan, Durga Puja, Children’s Day etc.
Accessing Government Schemes: Children have received ration cards, AADHAR cards, opened accounts in national banks; families have received Swasthya Sathi cards, ration and monetary help from others.
Overall Growth: Improved educational level, psychological & emotional status, physical health status and extra-curricular skills of the children.