TST Social Development Trust

You Can Help To Change Every Human Life

Note: All donations to Hope Kolkata Foundation are eligible for 50% tax exemption under sec 80G. You will receive your 80G tax Exemption Certificate within 15 working days after making the donation.

Sponsor A Particular Cause

One month ration for COVID 19 affected family, Rs 1200/- Donate
Rebuilding a family affected by Cyclone Amphan, Rs 7500/- Donate
Uniform, Books, Admission fees for a girl child, Rs 1250/- Donate
Supporting treatment cost of one poor patient from the slum, Rs 2400/- Donate
Sponsor basic health care & nutrition for TB / HIV ailing person for a month, Rs 3500/- Donate
Supporting the cost of computer education to poor children for a month, Rs 4600/-e Donate
Sponsoring a teacher for a month to teach 25 poor children and help to continue education, Rs 5500/- Donate
Rehabilitate a severely acute malnourished poor child by providing nutritional food supplement, Rs 7000/- Donate
Adopt a malnourished pregnant mother and the new born child, Rs 10000/- Donate
Support training cost to a poor child and young adult on photography and videography, Rs 15000/- Donate
Sponsoring the cost of treatment for a poor destitute patient in Hope hospital, Rs 25000/- Donate

Be The Reason For The Smilling Faces
